Blog Archive


Sunday, January 10, 2010

If the dog won't come to you....

So I guess if the dog won't come out to play you have to go to her!

The problem is that there is not enough room in the crate for both boys and the dog so apparently Superman is not happy.  I don't think that the dog is too happy either that her "happy place" has been invaded by people looking to get licked.

So I am really not good or sure about this blog thing.  So many people do it but I am still of the opinion that the social network stuff - Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, etc - is all just fancy voyeurism.  Really - do people care what I am doing at any given time?  Most of the time I am doing laundry or driving carpool - oooooo SOOO exciting!!!

I do have many funny stories about the boys, the animals and the husband that will get lost in memories if I don't write them down so I guess I view this as my own version of a scrapbook.  Whatever it turns out to be at least I am doing something with my pictures and can always have a place to come back to to remember that Jackson called busses Zaaas and Sawyer needs a bankick in his roon.


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