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Saturday, April 17, 2010

At least he tried...

I have never and will never give anyone the impression that I am an artist.  Never had a talent in it and never will.  I do however appreciate artistic talent and love to see people who can create beautiful pieces.

My favorite art is that brought home by my kids from school.  My youngest attends a pre-school now where they do wonderful projects.  I am always excited to open his bag and see what is in there.  They commonly use body parts to create their masterpieces like these 2 he brought home around Halloween:

My older son attended a different school where the art projects were not as organized.  Don't get me wrong, it was a WONDERFUL school - they just did different things and art was left for the children to do during their free time.  Let's just say that my oldest takes after me in the art department in some respects so he had many other things to do with his time in the class than to sit down and produce something to bring home to me. 

I was thrilled one day when he came home with an art project rolled up in his bag.  I finally had something to put on the fridge.  I opened the piece and discovered this:

I was thrilled with the level of detail which up to this point we hadn't seen.  There was the sky and the sun and the ground but the middle part I really couldn't make out.  I asked my son what he had drawn and he said it was a picture of an elephant.  Wow - again, never seen a picture this detailed.  He went on to point to the gray blob in the middle and said "see there is the elephant" and with a smile added "he is going to the bathroom."

The picture is famous with our family and friends and is secretly one of my favorite art projects of all time. 


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