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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2010 Mom's Salary

", Inc. (NASDAQ: SLRY) announced today the results of its annual Mom Salary Survey. For 2010, determined that the time mothers spend performing the 10 most popular "mom job functions" would equate to an annual cash compensation of US$117,856 for a Stay-at-Home Mom. Working Moms would earn US$71,860 above their regular salary for their mom duties"

---Taken from MSN

"According to the survey, the working mom puts in more than 96 hours a week when you combine her full-time job, mom hours, and mom overtime -- an increase of four hours from last year. This year's survey shows that mom is spending more time preparing meals, making sure the home stays in good repair, and shuttling the family to activities. Moms continue to work longer hours, because they outsource less and handle increasingly more of the workload themselves. Overtime remains a primary driver of mom's six-figure salary. This year, the stay-at-home mom's overtime averaged 59 hours in a 99-hour "work week."

--- Taken from

No wonder we are all exhausted!! A working mom is putting in 96 hours of work between her full time job and here mom job (which includes 56 hours of overtime). The SAHM mom is putting in 99 hours per week which boils down to 59 hours of overtime! Wouldn't it be nice if we were able to actually collect that salary (even part of it would be nice)? The salary is based on the top 10 functions of a mom which includes: laundry machine operator, janitor, van driver, computer operator, housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, chief executive officer, psychologist, and facilities manager.

The sad thing is that these salaries are down from last year (down 4% for SAHM and down 6% for working moms) because of the economy but the number of hours worked is up because moms are doing more themselves and outsourcing less (again because of the economy).  To be able to take some of the burden off your work life or to take some of the earning burden off your husband would be great. Bottom line - wouldn't it be nice to get some recognition for the job that all moms do in raising our children and sending them out in the world to be productive members of society?

I'm just saying......


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