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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All Hail Chief Big Bottom

Everyone knows that you have to be careful about what you say in front of children.  They are little parrots and will repeat things verbatim at some of the more inappropriate times (say at pre-school). 

What is a little more disconcerting, however, is when your children begin to develop reasoning skills and begin to show their intelligence.  This is not a bad thing when used appropriately say in identifying alphabet letters, counting past 10 etc.  It does become a problem when that reasoning causes them to use things that you have said against you or for them to come up with a completely reasonable thought on their own, it just happens to be completely inappropriate.

I began thinking on this because of a friend's recent Facebook post:

"was kinda cranky until she heard a 3-year-old boy scream "SH*T!" repeatedly in Harris Teeter. Fairly certain the mortified mom's facial expression will continue to evoke a giggle for the rest of the day"

Hmmmmm - been there before!!
  • One of the "pet names" I gave my 4 year old was Chief Little Bottom.  Why was I surprised one day when he turned around and named me Chief Big Bottom (what an ego deflater)
  • I was complaining (as most women do from time to time) about being fat and my child looked at me and said "Mommy, you aren't fat..." (what a good boy), "...Daddy is fat."  My husband wasn't as amused as I was about that (he isn't fat by the way)!
  • My 8 year old was talking with his friends and they were talking about the bad word that starts with an H.  My son says " are you talking about (and then spells) H-E-L-L or H-A-T-E?"  Hey kid - when the hell did you learn to spell Hell?????  (at least he spelled it).
  • When my 8 year old was 3 he proclaimed in a store dressing room (very loudly I might add) "I was in your tummy when you married Daddy."  Quickly (and just as loudly) I explained that he wasn't in my tummy until after Daddy and I were married
  • My 4 year old was in carpool on a particularly bad traffic day.  When the mom driving commented on how bad traffic was my 4 year old whispered to his friend (in 4 year old whisper tone - ie spoke in a normal voice) and proclaimed that his mommy talked really mean to cars when they won't get out of her way.  My 4 year old's friend said that he should tell me that I should speak nicely to cars because they will do things for you when you talk nice but not when you talk mean.
  • My neighbor's 4 year old learned to say the word crap by listening to me.  Yeah I know it is a PG bad word but you still don't want a 4 year old learning it (especially when it isn't even your kid).
  • I taught another friend's 4 year old the phrase numb nuts
  • Have several acquaintances whose kids have used the words sh*t and f*ck.... in correct context
  • A friend was in the bathroom with her kids when a woman in the next stall, ummm "passed gas."  One of the kids started chanting Big Fat Farter over and over and louder and louder.  The mom couldn't leave the stall until she was sure that the woman (and anyone else in the bathroom) had left.
From the mouths of babes!!!  Would love to hear of things you have heard from your kids!!!


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